[Download Link] PES 2018 Realistic Gameplay v1.5 ( PES 2018 v1.50.2 ) by Nesa24

PES 2018 Realistic Gameplay by Nesa24
Finally, new gameplay has been released by Nesa24. Gameplay of PES 2018 by Nesa24 I have tweaked some parts of gameplay to make game more flexible. It includes Gameplay elements like game tempo, ball weight, player reaction and more. It's recommended if you want to try new gameplay in your Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 PC version.
Installation :
1. Go to your PES 2018 game folder & backup your original PES2018.exe file ( Important ! )
C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018\
2. Now extract PES 2018 gameplay by Nesa24 with WinRAR Copy PES2018.exe to your PES 2018 installation folder
3. Done & Feel the difference !
*Only works with original game of PES 2018 PC version !
Donate : I highly recommend you to support nesa24 for all his done in PES Community for years, you can support him by donate to nesa24's paypal here : nesa24casa2@gmail.com
Thread : https://www.evo-web.co.uk/threads/78666/
Homepage : nesa24game.blogspot.com
v1.5 1.5.2 update
v1.4 1.5.1 update
v1.3 debbuger fix craching game random
v1.2 update to 1.5 steam & GK diving fix
v1.1 bugfix
v1.0 initial gameplay mod featuring gamespeed,player reaction,controls and physics of game engineysics of game engine
v1.5 1.5.2 update
v1.4 1.5.1 update
v1.3 debbuger fix craching game random
v1.2 update to 1.5 steam & GK diving fix
v1.1 bugfix
v1.0 initial gameplay mod featuring gamespeed,player reaction,controls and physics of game engineysics of game engine