[Download Link] PES 2018 LiveCPK Sider 4.1.3 by Juce & Nesa24

PES 2018 LiveCPK Sider by Juce & Nesa24
The first edition of x64-bit LiveCPK Sider for Pro Evolution Soccer 2018. As we know, PES 2018 is the first edition of Pro Evolution Soccer that fully support 64-bit. If you're unfimiliar with this, LiveCPK Sider allows you to organize the content in folders and files, without the need to package them into cpks. Files can be edited "on-the-fly", and for some of the files - if the game reloads them - the changes will be visible right away, without restarting PES, just like the good-old kitserver ! but you need to start LiveCPK Sider before starting the game !
Remember that, since this is the first beta release, the tool is still under development by Juce & Nesa24. Right now, scripting is not supported yet. LiveCPK feature only. Let's hope we will have Lua scripting implemented with many game events - like we had for PES 2017. If you have tested this tool and found some bugs, you can report it to its official thread on evo-web below.
How to Use :
1. Extract the tool with WinRAR and copy all extracted files to your PES 2018 game folder
C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018\
2. Run sider.exe before starting the game !
Thread : https://www.evo-web.co.uk/threads/78881/
4.1.3 :
- fix for LiveCPK internal logic: sometimes the game would hang early on during startup (for example with PTE Patch) and not go past the black screen. This is fixed now.
- fix for trophy remapping: now works with leagues too. (previous version only supported cup tournaments)
- free side select
4.1.3 :
- fix for LiveCPK internal logic: sometimes the game would hang early on during startup (for example with PTE Patch) and not go past the black screen. This is fixed now.
- fix for trophy remapping: now works with leagues too. (previous version only supported cup tournaments)
- free side select