[Download Link] PES 2017 PES ED17OR 1.04 + PSD Data Grabber by Nesa24

PES 2017 PES ED17OR by Nesa 24
A simple but really helpful tool to edit the decrypted option file. All you have to do is first decrypt EDIT00000000 and rename it to OF.bin and store next to PESEDITOR.exe
Run tool and load OF
Options are saved as you click buttons
Please report bugs
More information, you can visit Nesa's Blog below :
Changelog 1.04 :
**fixed left-right foot when updating info
**not you can copy-paste player stats [ after paste you must click update ]
**added native PSD support
**USING PSD*****
Run PSDDG and click Connect to PSD
Select Region and league/team you wish to use stats
After you CLICK player his stats can be used in PESED17OR just click PSD button in EDITOR
Donate [ Important ]
If you really find all nesa's tools really helpful, you can support Nesa24 to continue his project by donating him. You can donate via PayPal, just visit his blog okay ! 😊