[Download Link] PES 2017 Manchester United Graphic Theme + Intro by Fauda

PES 2017 Manchester United Theme + Intro by Fauda
Another fine release by Fauda, this is Manchester United Graphic Menu for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 game. It looks cool and solid aswell, so if you're Man Utd Fans, you're gonna love it !
Features :
*Compatible with any patch and PES version.
*New Intro Movie.
*New Backgrounds: Corporate Title (KONAMI Title), Presstart Title, Loading, Exhibition, Settings, Edit, Master League, Become Legend
*New Menu Tiles and Icons.
*New Theme colors (Red colors).
Instruction :
1. Put 2 .CPKs to your PES 2017\Download folder.
2. Generate with DpFile List Generator 1.8 by Baris !
3. Done.
Homepage : http://graphicsbyfauda.blogspot.sg/